When Sales Funnels Fail - Use Growth Loops
Short Notes: Speaker -- Casey Winters Employee -- Pinterest, Grubhub, Greylock partners, Apartments.com Advisor -- Eventbrite, Airbnb,...
Blogs, mental models, success stories, and how-to articles. You'll find the resources necessary for growing yourself and your startup here.
Short Notes: Speaker -- Casey Winters Employee -- Pinterest, Grubhub, Greylock partners, Apartments.com Advisor -- Eventbrite, Airbnb,...
The other night I was talking with a Founder and he was really stressed about growing his startup He was stressed from the amount of...
The difference between a growing company and a stagnant or dying company is the company culture. The difference between a growing company...
Let’s first see how you define stuck: Step 1: If you haven't started something... it's because you really don't know how. Do it once,...
There’s 3 kinds of startup founders: 1. The 21st Century Entrepreneur These are the guys that make some money sometimes, not that much...
If you want to hit 10 million this year. Get: 10 One million dollar contracts 100 One hundred thousand dollar contracts 1000 Ten thousand...
The distance Between you and your image Is what makes you unhappy Between you and the rumors Is what makes you unhappy Between you and...
People who fail usually make decisions slowly and change their minds quickly, always bouncing back and forth." - Tony Robbins When you’re...
People that crush it month over month have one thing in common. They keep doing things in the right ORDER. People that lose consistently...
When you work with founders there’s a trend that you notice " Some people want it to happen, some wish it would happen, others make it...
I used to run towards my positive thoughts and away from the negative ones. Thoughts come in two main categories. 1. Negative thoughts:...
If you're at 0. (aka under 7 figures). You've got a massive bottleneck somewhere in your business. And if you've got a massive one,...
Hey mate, If you want to run a company that scales consistently, you've got to learn how to approach plateaus. Plateaus are what keep you...
If your company can't survive years without additional capital you don’t have a business, you have a fire. And it’s the worst feeling in...
Freedom does not depend on where one is and what they're beholden to. It's the separation of: self from skills truth from conclusions...
When most people attempt to improve they pick time. The result is they have more free time. To do what exactly they never know.
High performing Founders have one thing in common They do the same things daily for YEARS. Average founders have one thing in common They...