Blogs, mental models, success stories, and how-to articles. You'll find the resources necessary for growing yourself and your startup here.
Being Happy and Being Productive Aren't Two Separate Things
The problem isn’t that your startup is making you unhappy The problem is that you believe that being happy and being productive are two...
What Looks Like Weakness Is Actually Strength
Your greatest asset is: Your kindness. Your ability to solve problems at scale, Manifesting itself into your startup, Is a function of...
Your Freedom vs Your Burnout
As you scale, your business will get more complex. Your ability to handle that complexity will dictate your ability to grow. Most handle...
Unlock Your Mindset to Increase Your Revenue
The things that are happening in your brain, in your day, in your weeks, in your months, in your years, are stopping you from getting...
Thoughts on Work-Life Balance, Burnout, Anxiety, and Difficulty Sleeping
Work-Life Balance: I get a lot of questions about work-life balance, and honestly, I do not believe in this concept of balancing these...
The Well Known Secret in Silicon Valley and The Mindset of A Growth Hacker
White Whale: There’s a well-known “secret” in Silicon Valley about how to actually grow a company really fast, and that’s to measure two...
Pre-Seed Sales and Operational Bottlenecks
Key Processes for Pre-seed Startups: The bottom line is making money as soon as possible. Putting that sales process in place is really,...
If You’re Asking Yourself How to Do Something and What to Do If You Have Too Many Growth Ideas
If you’re asking yourself how you’re going to do something: A lot of people come to me and say “I know what I want to do, how am I going...
Talking to Investors About Go-to-Market, Platform Products, and Marketplace Products
If you have a platform technology with various applications how do you select a market? You just select one - don’t think too much about...
Nerves, Lack of Progress, and Trouble Focusing
If you're nervous about growth: There's usually that there’s something holding you back, and that’s totally normal. That’s a part of...
The 5 Metrics You Need to Measure to Increase Throughput
When you create a system for anything, you want to make sure that you increase the output of the system, aka the throughput. Instead of...
3 Things to Think About Before Launching A New Product
What are some good ways to get customer feedback to determine product fit prior to launch? Sell it. Sell it for as much money as...
How to Approach B2B Pricing & Profitability
How to find proper pricing for your product: Identify the problem that you’re solving, figure out how much it’s costing you to solve it...
What Is More Important: Your Ambition or You?
“It’s when you start taking care of yourself instead of your ambition, that you start stepping up to the next level.” Most Founders are...
Misconceptions: Growing Partnership Programs, Launching Internationally, and When to Start Spending
Thoughts on partnered channel lead growth for B2B SaaS: It works, but it’s not something you can control. I’m a big proponent of having...
3 Pieces of Advice for B2C Startups
I always push the B2C companies to have a B2B arm - because you’re going to get a lot more profits that way. All major companies became...
The Top 3 Practices That Move the Needle for SaaS Startups
Top 3 practices I see that SaaS startups do that move the needle: Building your email list is one - with free trial users or just people...
What Are The Key Learnings on B2B Growth?
B2B growth can get tricky because you can go a lot of different routes with your product. The biggest misconception I see is people build...
Use Growth Systems to Supercharge your B2b Funnels
If you don't know what growth loops are, here's a link to a summary of them. At some point the question arises - is it possible to grow...